Uncommon Bass
Matt Küss
In order to get to know Matt a little better, here are some questions he answered for the fans:
How long have you been playing bass?
Seriously for about 4 years.
What was your inspiration to choose this instrument?
The first time I heard Cliff play Anesthesia and Flea play the cover of Higher Ground.
How would you describe your style and your way of thinking about the instrument?
I play a lot of funk - finger style / slap and pop / but when I play rock / metal / punk I always play w/ a pick. I enjoy playing anything that grooves.
…and how does this influence your music tastes and choices?
I mean the shit I play is what I listen to. So all the above.
List your instrument model, and what types of strings do you use?
My main bass is a Short scale MusicMan Stingray. I also have a Marcus Miller Sire short scale. I use D'Addario light gauge strings.
List your amp, what do you look for in equipment? What sound are you looking for?
I love Fender amps. Right now I have a Fender Rumble and I just love the crisp tone I can achieve to cut through the guitar and drums and let the bass do its job, which is locking in w/ the drummer to have that solid foundation to allow the guitar / singer to shine.
What are your top 5 fave bands?
Top 5 bands would be: Metallica, Slayer, Slipknot, Hatebreed, and Korn.
What do you think has given you inspiration or influenced how you play your instrument? Is it a particular bassist or song?
Literally Cliff and Flea made me wanna pick up the bass. My mama used to date a guy that played bass and when he explained what role the bass played I was hooked and I thought since it had 4 strings it would be easier.....boy was I wrong! lol but it's been an amazing journey.
What do you feel you bring to this band, what do you think you can add to push this band to the next level?
I bring my creativity, my eagerness to learn, my drive, and commitment to the band.